Design and Construction of Extension to Repository Building

Design and Construction of Extension to Repository Building

Client:Department of National Archives
Location:Colombo 07
Services:Design & Supervision

This building is located at No.07 Reid Avenue, Colombo 07 near the Independence Square. This is a five storied repository building with a floor area is 6, 840 m2.The building has Repositories, Computer room, Reading rooms, Auditorium, Audio Visual Units etc. Building consists of a typical raft and strip foundation. Beams and columns will form a braced RC structure. Roof consists of Zn/Al sheet on steel frame work on Auditorium & RCC roof slab on other area. Passenger lift, dump waiter, fire protection and detection system, Centralized Air Conditioning system, Local area net work and CCTV systems are available in the new building.

Consultancy service for the Construction of a New Head Office Building for Attorney General’s Department Building

Construction of a New Head Office Building for Attorney General’s Department Building

Client:Attorney General’s Department
Location:Colombo 12
Services:Design & Supervision

This building was designed to obtain an elegant front view. The overall building consists of Thirteen storeys including two basement floors. Head office building having a gross floor area of 10 000m2. Two basement floors are allocated for garbage colleting room, transformer room, transport room, kitchen and parking is provided for car parking, commercial parking and disable parking. From Ground floor to Eighth floor area are allocated for office rooms where room sizes are increased with the hierarchy and facilitate with required sanitary facilities. The entrance lobby floor was decorated by marvelous granite floor design. An indoor aquarium tank was located in second floor. Ninth floor has an Auditorium constructed in a sloping floor with 250 seats including the balcony to give a clear view of the stage. An open dining area was created at the roof terrace.

Construction of Rest Area on the Southern Expressway

Construction of Rest Area on the Southern Expressway

Client:Sri lanka Insuarance Resorts & Spas (Pvt) Ltd
Services:Design & Supervision

The project consists in the construction of a two storeyed building having a floor area of 4,000 Sq.m. with associated building services (Plumbing, Electrical works) and external infrastructure works. This facility includes restaurants, rest areas, children’s play area etc. The building is constructed with an RCC framework on a concrete column foundation which transfers the structural loads. Walls of brickwork with cement mortar plaster. 52 nos. roof trusses made up of 80×100 GI pipes. A toilet facility having a floor area of 102 sq.m. with associated building services. Pumping water from deep well for external water supply including a rain water harvesting facility meeting green requirements for the building.

Construction of Head Office Building for Ministry of Health

Construction of Head Office Building for Ministry of Health

Client:Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine
Services:Design & Supervision

This is a 16 storeyed building designed for the maximum utilization of area.  This building accommodates all requirements of the Ministry of Health. The Main Services included for the mechanical requirements of this project are a Central Air Conditioning System, Fire System, Lifts and BAS. The total floor area is approx. 37,650 m2.
The detailed architectural designs produced have incorporated a GREEN building concept in line with the requirements of the GREEN Rating System for Built Environment as developed by the GREEN building Council of Sri Lanka. These attributes will help in optimizing the energy efficiency of the building through the use of increased day lighting, openable windows, usage of solar cells for energy production and utilising water harvesting techniques.

Construction & Remedying Defects of the Magistrate Courts Complex

Construction & Remedying Defects of the Magistrate Courts Complex

Client:Ministry of Justice & Prison Reforms
Location:Colombo 12
Completed:2020 -2024 (Ongoing)
Services:Design & Supervision

This building was designed to obtain an elegant front view. The overall building consists of Fifteen story’s comprising 22100 sq.m including 21 magistrate court halls and its offices, legal aid off ice, court production and Record rooms, Lawyer’s public area, photocopy & stationary shop, public and staff cafeteria, food outlet, conference room, judge’s chamber for court hall, wash room and parking for staff. Ground and first floors are with building services and parking.
The building is raised on pile foundation and bounded by block walls, aluminum doors and windows, steel/Zn/Al roofs. Superstructure consists of a reinforced concrete frame comprising in-situ concrete slabs, beams and columns. Different type of floor tiling and ceiling works were used to enhance the aesthetic view of the building.

Head Office Building  – Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

Head Office Building  – Ceylon Petroleum Corporation

Client:Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
Services:Design & Supervision

This is nine storied office building including an auditorium, a basement and a car park. The approximate total floor area is 12,345 m².
The building consists of RC framed structure are to be supported on 145 bored piles. Building services such as water supply, sewerage disposal, electricity supply, lift installation, fire detection and protection systems and air conditioning system to be provided.

Extension of Central Bank Head Quarters Building

Extension of Central Bank Head Quarters Building

Client:Monitory Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Location:Colombo Fort
Services:Architectural, Structural, Building Services Engineering, and Project Management Consultancy Services

This project comprised with extension of the head office building of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, adjacent to the existing head office building. The building structure consists of three basement levels and eleven office floors. The entire building covers 31,000 square meters of floor area with modern architectural finishes, services and landscaping. The total height of the building is at approx.52 meters above ground level.
Works included installation of sophisticated building services, security control equipment and provision of high quality finishes.

Administrative Complex at Battaramulla, Sethsiripaya – Stage II

Administrative Complex at Battaramulla, Sethsiripaya – Stage II

Client:Urban Investment & Development Company (Pvt) Ltd
Services:Construction supervision, project planning and progress monitoring

This is a twelve storied administrative complex comprises of four equal wings connected with a common lift lobby. The total floor area is approx. 42,000 m2. This building accommodates the several government Ministry’s Departments, offices and an auditorium. The building is a RC framed structure comprising with in-situ cast concrete slabs, beams and columns. The structure is supported on 152 number of bored in situ cast piles.




The Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB) is a premier engineering consultancy organization at the forefront of Infrastructure development in the country with wide range of expertise in different engineering disciplines.  
Additional General Manager (Special Projects – 1) of Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB) invites proposals to obtain service of a Senior Mechanical Engineer (Part time)  

1. The intended service period is 12 Months.

2. Qualifications
Any one of the followings

A. A four year Degree in Engineering in field of Mechanical Engineering recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka and recognized by the Institution of Engineers – Sri Lanka (IESL) and the Engineering Council of Sri Lanka (ECSL) for admission to the Class of Associate Member of IESL.                                                

B. Any other degree / qualification in the relevant field recognized by the Institution of Engineers – Sri Lanka (IESL) recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Sri Lanka as equivalent to a four year B.Sc Degree in Engineering and the Engineering Council of Sri Lanka (ECSL)  for admission to the Class of Associate Member of IESL.  


(ii). Corporate Membership of IESL and registered as a Chartered Engineer at ECSL.            


(iii). Minimum 25 years of post-graduate working experience out of which minimum 15 years of experience relevant building services of health care infrastructure.  

3. Proposals will be called through National Competitive Process.

4. A complete set of Request for Proposals (RFP) could be downloaded below free of charge

5. Proposals must be delivered to the address below on or before at 14.00hrs on 05.11.2024.

6. Late Proposals will be rejected. Proposals will be opened in the presence of the proposers’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at 14.00hrs on 05.11.2024.

7. You are advised to obtain further information or clarifications by contacting Additional General Manager (SP01), CECB through the telephone No. 0112-668812 if necessary.                      

8. The addresses referred for submission and opening of Proposals is as follows:  

Additional General Manager (Special Projects – 1)
1st Floor (Kelani Building), Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau,
No. 415, Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
Colombo 07.  

Secretarial Assistant / Receptionist cum Telephone Operator / Accounts Assistant




Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, a premier engineering consultancy organization at the forefront of infrastructure development in the country with wide range of expertise in different disciplines, invite applications from citizens of Sri Lanka for the below mentioned post on Contract Basis.

NoPostRequired Qualification and ExperienceJob Description
01Secretarial Assistant/ Receptionist cum Telephone Operatora.   Having Passed the G.C.E (O\L) Examination in Six (06) Subjects in one sitting with Credit passes for Four (04) Subjects including Sinhala/Tamil and Mathematics. AndDrafting Office Correspondents.Typing reports/ letters/ documents etc, efficiently.Carrying out administrative functions including attendance, leave and OT etc.Taking of Minutes of Meetings and Preparations of Reports.Carrying out office work related to HR related activities including Human Resources Development.Carrying out documentary control functions both manually and electronically.Procurement of items, maintaining inventories and other administrative activities.Operation of Telephone and Communication systems.Assisting the Senior Officers to carry out their duties.Handling cash on behalf of the Bureau.Preparation of financial and Tax report, including VAT returns.Carrying out store related functions and control stock books.Any other duties assigned by the supervising officer.Payments by cash and cheques.Banking of cash/cheques/receipts and withdraw cash for office use.Maintaining registers/ files/receipts control books and other supporting documents.Assisting Accountant to balancing day to day accounts.Preparation of financial reports.Carrying out store keeping functions.Any other duties assigned by the supervising officer.
  b. Credit pass for English in not more than two sittings. And
  c. Having passed Three (03) Subjects (other than the General Paper) at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination in not more than two sittings. And
  d. Achieved Computer literacy in following areas.
  Basic concepts of Information Technology,Windows Operating System andBasic knowledge of word processing and spread sheets.
  02Accounts Assistant  A.Having Passed G.C.E (O\L) Examination in Six (06) Subjects including English not more than two sittings with Credit passes for Four (04) Subjects including Sinhala/Tamil and Mathematics. And Successful completion of the Foundation Level or Licentiate/or Certificate in Accountancy and Business (CAB 1) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Sri Lanka. Or Certificate Level of the Charted Institute of Management Accountants U.K. (CIMA) Or Final Level of the Institute of Book Keepers (London) Or Stage-III of the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) of Sri Lanka.Performing all accounting functions under the supervision of the Accountant/ Head of the Unit.Documentation, maintaining ledgers and processing of all accounts, payables and receivables including verify the accuracy, and reconcile accounts.Recording accounts data to appropriate manner in computerized accounting system and retrieve/update/backup/analysis data same as required.Analysis the accounts as per the accounting codes and financial regulations.Balancing the accounts and prepare P&L, Balance sheet, and other financial Statements.Assisting/ handling in Bank transactions, reviewing statements, writing/ issuing cheques ets.Custody of cash and financial assets including cheques when and where necessary.Receipts and payments and Banking of cash/ cheques/receipts and withdraw cash for office use.Handling cash & Petty cash, maintaining registers/ files/ receipts control books and other supporting documents.Assisting Accountant to balance/ handling day to day accounts.Preparation of financial and Tax report, including VAT returns.Carrying out store related functions and control stock books.Any other duties assigned by the supervising officer.

Salary & Other Benefits   :    I. Selected applicants will be  placed on a suitable salary point depending on qualifications and experience as per the MSD Circular 02/2016.

II. Contribution of 12% and 3% of salary to the Employees Provident Fund and Employees Trust Fund respectively by the Bureau.

Method of Selection           :    Selections will be made on the order of merit determined by an Interview Panel.

Applications with copies of certificates should be sent under Registered Cover addressed to the Manager (Admin / HR), Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau, No. 415, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07 (applied Post should be written at the top left hand corner of the envelope) to reach him on or before 10.10.2024
