CECB Technical Library
The history of the Technical Library of Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau goes back to the time of Dr. Kulasinghe and at that time this library started with only one book cabinet. Around 1983, Mr. K.D.S. Siriwardhane was appointed as the first professionally qualified librarian of the Bureau Library and since then the Bureau Library has been built as a professional library.
According to library classification Bureau Library can be classified under the category of “Special Library”. The Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau Library has more than 3000 books related to the Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Geology, Hydrology, Water Resource Engineering, Concrete, Irrigation, Dam, Environmental Engineering, Soil Engineering, Building Construction, Management ect.
After the year 2018, the main library of the Bureau was completely changed from the previous situation, and the interior design could be changed in an interesting way for the library patron. Currently, the library has been automated and Koha Community Library Management system has been used for this.
During the last half century, the historical documents of many unique projects carried out by the CECB have been deposited in the library and the readers has the ability to access those projects for reference. Similarly, if it is necessary for the officers of the Bureau to conduct studies or hold meetings, the library has also provided an opportunity to fulfill those needs comfortably and freely.
CECB Online Public Access Catalog (COPAC)
Applying For a Membership
All the CECB Officers can obtain the library membership freely. Applicant should fill the application form obtained from the library or downloaded from the web page. Currently, Outsiders not allowed the membership in Bureau Library and they can only be used for reference purpose with the permission of librarian.
Lending Service
Reference Service
Facilities For Studying and Meetings
Internet Services
Open Times and Hours
Monday to Friday
8.30 AM to 4.15 PM
Contact Details
Libraian : Mrs. J.M.A.L. Jayasinghe (BA (Hons) in LISC UoK, MSSc in LISC)
Telephone : 0112668800 (Ext. 5010)
Email : library@cecb.lk