Field Visits
We provide opportunities for staff to gain experience through visits to construction sites. By stepping aside
from usual workplace routines from time to time in this manner, they broaden their horizons to think “outside
the box” and develop new capacity to contextualize problems and optimize their existing strategies.
Staff participating in a learning expedition usually feel energized after it. It is perceived as an investment on
their career and increases their level of engagement. We believe that such growth perspectives are also great
Employer-branding assets to attract new talent.
Resurfacing of the Runway at Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Relocation of Manning Market
from Pettah to Peliyagoda, New Bridge Construction Project Over Kelani River, Colombo Port City
Development Project and Broadlands Hydropower Project are some of the field visits organized by TRD Unit,
which led to network building and creation of more meaningful and productive relationships within the CECB.