Continuous Professional Development Programmes for CECB and Non - CECB employees
We believe that organizing Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programmes is also important for the CECB, since having a positive attitude to learning and development is key to attracting and engaging talent and forms part of a greater human resource management strategy. It is also a good sign of a healthy corporate culture. Certificate CPD Course in Basic Contract Administration, Best Project Management Tools, CPD
Programme on Revit MEP, CPD Programme on Revit Architecture, CPD Programme on 3D Max and CPD
Programme on Lumion 3D are some of the programmes that CECB offers to professionals.
These will facilitate enhancement of staff skills and abilities, helping them to adapt to changes and stay up to
date with current trends, thus advancing the body of knowledge within their profession.
Latest CPD Programmes
CECB Annual Symposium 2022/23
The CECB Annual Symposium 2022/23, with the theme of “Bridging Borders: Exploring...
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A continuous professional development programme tittled “Professional applications of paint systems” was...
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