CECB is the Premier and the Largest Consulting Firm Sri Lanka ever had in Water Management and Hydro Power Sector since 1973 and have engaged in almost all the large-scale water management projects under Mahaweli and similar projects. In 1980s it expanded its wings to off-shore projects providing design, design review and overall consultancy services in off-shore construction projects locally and in South Asian neighbor countries.
Currently, CECB provides consultancy services for offshore projects such as harbors and port development projects including quays and jetties, reclamation works and other coastal structures in the country as a Consultant for decades. During this journey, CECB has ensured that the projects are steered in a professional manner with the objective of achieving the intended goals.
The coastal engineering team consists of well qualified and experienced Project Managers, Coastal Engineers, Structural Engineers, Building Service Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Environmentalists.
Different aspects in which CECB involved during the projects include
- Preliminary studies including surveys and investigations
- Environmental assessment works
- Physical and Numerical modelling and analysis
- Structural design & design review of structures (structures such as breakwater, piers, quays, jetties, reclamation, dolphins, seawalls, revetments and etc.)
- Pre-bid stage documents and services
- Facilitating bidding process
- Construction supervision and project management works
- Defect review and certification
- All other infrastructure development works belongs to any discipline
Ongoing Projects
- Colombo Port City Development Project
- Design and Re- construction of Quay at Naval Dockyard Trincomalee
- Reactivation and Reconstruction of Myliddy Fishery Harbour in Nothern Province - PHASE II
Completed Projects
- Construction of jetty facility at Galle fishery harbor
- Improvements for Dikovita fishery harbor
- Jetty at Kapparathota
- Design and Construction Supervision Works at Boat Yard Complex at Karainagar
- Reactivation and Reconstruction of Myliddy Fishery Harbour in Nothern Province - PHASE 1
- Marine Revetment Construction in lagoon Area for widening of Railway from Kaluthara South to Payagala south
- Design of 75m Long Passenger Jetty at Pigeon Island
- Review Excessive Ground Settlement and Lateral Movement of Quay Wall Structure in Colombo Harbour