Construction of a Specialized Pediatric wards complex in the General Hospital – Ampara

Construction of Specialized Pediatric wards complex

General Hospital – Ampara

Ministry of Health Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine
2017 -2020
Design & Supervision
Project Value:
LKR 1263.24 Mn

The Project is Seven storied building consist of  treatment area, resuscitation, X ray Room, CT  Room, doctor’s rest room, nurses rest room, minor staff’s rest room ,operation theatre, recovery area, male, Female, staff and disable toilets, water tank, water sump, Rain water harvesting ,Hot water  system, Automatic Drip Irrigation system  and maintenance with other building services such as Air cooled Chiller Air conditioning system, ICT Systems, Escalator & Dumbwaiter  system, Fire Protection and Detection System, Building Management System, LED Lighting systems, Piped Medical Gas system, Standby Generator System, Transformer, Solar Panel installation, children park, swimming pool etc.

Floor: Tiled concrete floor and wall tiling in toilets.

Door and Window: Powder coated Aluminium door, Stainless steel door, roller shutter door and Window (White Ral 9001) Tempered glasswork.

Partition: Aluminium partition, Cladding Board Partition, Gypsum Board Partition.

Roof & Ceiling: Zn/Aluminium roof covering on steel framework. Mineral fiber and super flex ceiling and Metal ceiling.

This is a Design & Build Contract and this structure was awarded a GOLD Rating certification under the GREEN Rating System for Built Environment by the GREEN building Council of Sri Lanka in December 2020.

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